Saturday, October 17, 2015

New Laser

October 1, 2015

An installation of our new Coherent dual femto and pico laser system has just been completed. The system consists of a Ti:sapphire laser Mira, pumped with a 12-W cw laser Verdi V12. The Ti:Sapphire laser has a tuning range 700 - 1000 nm; it provides a pump for an OPO tuneable in the wavelengths range between 1300 and 4000 nm. The main advantage of the new-generation Mira laser and OPO is that they can be tuned independently from each other in a wide range of wavelengths. The new OPO is also easy to align; one can see the up-converted beam in the OPO cavity with a naked eye in room light. This was the reason of choosing Coherent system: it has a very convenient configuration and well written documentation. In case if the system goes out of alignment, a trained user could fix this problem relatively easily. We are looking forward to starting our experiments using our new laser system.

Ksenia Dolgaleva

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Building Our Lab

September 25, 2015

The most important piece of equipment has just arrived: a dual ps-fs Ti:Sapphire laser and Opticl Parametric Oscillator. The system is pumped with 18 W of cw second harmonic neodymium vanadate laser. It is presently residing in the crates; the installation will be performed early next week. We are very excited to see the system running: most of our integrated nonlinear photonics experiments will require its use.

Ksenia Dolgaleva

September 18, 2015

This summer was very productive for our laboratory: it finally started to come in shape with all the new equipment arriving and organization work that has been done. Thanks to Mikko, Kashif, Azad, Arsam, and Prova, we now have all the necessary components to start assembling experiments.

Ksenia Dolgaleva